Sunday, May 11, 2008

My babies

Parker is in Iowa City for quite an extended stay in the hospital. He came in on Tuesday for his regular inpatient chemo and got an infection in his port and is in the hospital for at least 10 - 12 days. Gracie came up to Iowa City with my mom Saturday night and we got some really cute pictures of the kids. Also, this past week, Parker is now sitting in his bumbo chair, trying to eat like a big boy (but not enjoying it), and has rolled over! Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Intensive Chemo - Round 3

So today, Parker & Sarah headed to Iowa City for his third round of in-patient chemotherapy. Aunt Tara is also in town and accompanying them this trip (Sarah commented that everyone should be so lucky as to have Tara serve as their nanny!! However, Tara did respond that most people are unable to afford her services.) Upon admission to the hospital, they did learn some unfortunate news....Parker's port has become infected. :( This is incredibly unfortunate, as last week - a doctor had just assured Sarah that the time to worry about infection had passed. (Sarah did tell me she wanted to go seek that doctor out for a big, fat dose of "na-na-a-boo-boo") Thankfully, the infection was caught INCREDIBLY early Parker had yet to develop a fever from it, so it willl hopefully be knocked out quickly. However, it will push back the start of this week's intensive chemo for a few days - so as of right now, it is looking as if they will be in Iowa City until at least Friday. I know this news is disappointing to Sarah, as just this weekend -she commented on how nice it was that his intensive chemo was averaging a 2 day stay. But it is wonderful that Tara is there for company and support. And as Sarah said to me - this long week will hopefully prevent a future stay in the hosptial for infection in a few weeks, so there is an up-side. Parker did an INCREDIBLE job of handling the last round of intensive chemo with very few side effects - let us hope and pray that continues for this time as well.
(As for the picture - it is from last summer at Molly's bachelorette party. Isabelle & Parker are in utero with their respective mommy's. I think it is a fabulous shot of Molly & "the girls" - and I crack up at Sarah waving away! )

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Poor tired Gracie Belle

Gracie Belle has such a busy life. She is so exhausted, she fell asleep standing up the other night. I would also like to announce that with the help of a potty song, Gracie is officially potty trained :)