Friday, April 25, 2008


'nuff said!! :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


So last night, I was playing with Gracie. She had managed to dig out all the pigs and cows from the toys and was insisting we play with them together. We would take turns being the pigs or the cows, and at this one point - we each had a pig and a cow. I would give my animals fun names, like Jack & Jill, etc. Gracie insisted on naming hers Jamey & Cara. Aren't we special!! And she would vary who was the pig and who was the cow - so apparently both Jamey and I have pig & cow like features to her. Well anyway - as we were playing pigs & cows - Gracie loudly and empathically announces "I don't like X & Y (pig/cow) - I only like Cara & Jamey!"...which of course received a loud chorus of laughter from the rest of the room. Thinking about that has made me smile all day. :)

When it came time to leave - Mackenzie was giving out hugs and kisses to everyone - Grandma, Sarah, etc. When Gracie asked her for a hug and Mackenzie didn't oblige - Gracie hung her head and pouted. Poor little girl - her feelings were hurt. Advanced as she is. she still forgets Mackenzie is not quite there yet. But Mackenzie did finally give her a hug and kiss - which made her quite happy. Gracie also enjoyed showing Mackenzie how to go potty in the big potty like a big girl. And Mackenzie was all too eager to push into the bathroom and watch. They are too funny together - truly never is a dull moment.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Way to Go Strong Little Parker!!

Okay - so I lied. When I dropped the rest of the laundry off tonight at Sarah's, after an entertaining evening at my folks house of pizza dinner and all the girls playing - I told her I was not planning to post an update on blogger. But then I got home and the more I am sitting here and thinking about it - I feel it needs to be done. Hopefully she will forgive me. :)

As Sarah already posted on the carepage - yesterday was a wonderful day for Parker. He really turned the corner and started to look and act much better. Today, the progress only continued. He was removed from isolation and enjoyed a nice walk around the hospital with Daddy, which he enjoyed tremendously as he had not been out of a hospital room for a week!! His counts have gone up so much and the doctor's are so pleased with his progress that they decided they would go ahead and administer this week's round of intensive in-patient chemotherapy!! Thankfully, because he has been admitted - they were able to skip the pre-treatment steps of checking all of his levels, etc and get right with the chemo. However, it does mean yet another night in the hospital - when all were looking forward to finally being home together again. But if all goes well with the chemo tonight and tommorrow - Parker could be back at home tommorrow night!! We all will keep our fingers crossed for Parker to continue to fight so hard!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Back to Iowa City

This weekend, Parker was taken from the local hospital to the University of Iowa Hospitals on Friday night. This was done as a precaution, as he does not seem to be responding to the treatments and it is better for him to be in Iowa City, in case it gets serious quickly and he needs ICU interventions. It was quite a scary night for Mat & Sarah, as it is not an easy thing to hear that your little baby is getting rushed off by ambulance to Iowa City. It was a long weekend for all involved.

Mat & Sarah arrived in Iowa City with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Thankfully, they were able to get away to Wal-mart to pick up a few essentials. Sarah and I had been planning to attend the Junior League Wine Tasting Event being held as a fundraiser for their family, along with a few of our other friends. We were just leaving my house & had just commented about how we could clean up nicely when Sarah got the phone call from Mat @ the which we madly drove across town to get Sarah there. Sarah was probably the best dressed patient mother at the hosptial that night! :)

Parker's diagnosis is an infection in his gut, which is causing him to not eat & inflamation in his bowels, which is causing him a lot of pain (understandably!). This week's intensive chemo session has been postponed until Parker is in better health. There was some talk of doing a CT scan of his abdomen to get a better idea of what is happening inside - which would also give a glimpse of his ribs and how well they are responding to the treatment (as they were initially pretty full of the disease). I have yet to hear more on this. Parker will continue to be hospitalized until he is eating more regularly on his own and better able to manage his own pain - but they have not been given an immediate timeline. He is currently being fed through his IV port, along with receiving IV fluids and morphine as needed.

Sarah also reported that Parker's beautiful red hair is thinning around the sides, currently leaving him with a tres stylish mohawk. Probably the most scary is that Parker is not even willing to smile, which definatly indicates something is wrong. :( Sarah also reported that they received the first of many bills for Parker's care this weekend as well, which I can only imagine was a rude reality in the midst of all of this. Please continue to pray for them and send encouraging thoughts their direction.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Benefit for Parker

There have been many questions coming in to many around re: whether there is going to be a benefit for Parker anytime. The answer to the question is YES - and more details will be forthcoming as details are still getting ironed out. I do not want to reveal anything until everything is more final and set up. If you would be interested in helping, either with manpower or donations (monetary and/or gift items) - please contact Cara or Vicki. If you are unaware of who either of us is, Sarah can direct you to us. Thanks again for all the prayers, support and well wishes. I am blown away when I see all the messages on the CarePage message board, and I know Mat & Sarah appreciate everything as well. As I remind Sarah - good things happen to good people and I am so grateful for all of you good people pulling together for Parker.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gracie and Parker

Just wanted to post this picture of Gracie and Parker from their first set of pictures together. Parker was a month old when this was taken. Gracie leaned down and kissed him all on her own. She loves her baby brother so much.

Parker is home!

Little Parker has completed his first round of inpatient chemo and is home. He came home on Saturday afternoon courtesy of Grandpa Don who so graciously drove to Iowa City to pick up Daddy and Parker. I was kicked out of the hospital Friday to come home and spend time with Gracie. Gracie and I had a very special night Friday night, although I ached because I missed my baby boy so much. But, Parker came home Saturday, which is a little earlier than orignally anticipated, so that was a pleasant surprise. Parker handled the chemo like the tough little boy that he is. He was in quite a bit of pain Thursday night and Friday. He didn't want to eat and he wanted to do was sleep. But he has since perked up. He has some uncomfortable moments, but still has that beautiful, contagious smile of his. So far, he still has is famous red hair. His face is starting to round out due to the steriods. But, if anyone can pull off a round face, it is our Parker James. I have included a couple of pictures of Parker playing in his hospital crib. He loves toys! Anyway, things are going fairly well right now. We are trying to focus on the positive of this moment and not to worry about what may happen in the future. Thank you all for your prayers, I know they are working.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Snaps to Sarah

Just wanted to give some public congrats to Sarah on doing 2 posts all on her own!! This is her first rendevous into blogger, and I am quite impressed!! I have since updated our shared profile info to be reflective of both of us....I honestly didn't think I would have to do that for quite some time. :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Girls Night

While Daddy and Parker are in Iowa City for, Mommy and Gracie are having a "Girls Night" party. This is the outfit Gracie chose to wear to the party.

April Showers....

Gracie is fighting off April Showers while being fashionable at the same time. Gracie got a raincoat and boot set last year for her birthday and lived in the set. So this is her latest raincoat and boot set that she got for her 3rd birhday.

Iowa City Update

Parker was admitted to the University of Iowa yesterday (Thursday) mornning for his first round of in-patient intensive chemotherapy. I talked to Sarah this afternoon and she said it was going well and they anticipate him being released tomm (Saturday) afternoon. Parker tolerated the chemo okay - he was miserable at times, but still his happy smiley boy self. The next 72 hours after the treatment are critical, as that is when the major side effects can take place - so they will need to watch him closely. Let us all hope and pray that Parker soars through the next 72 hours without any complications!!

PS - Sarah also reported that Parker's red hair got him LOTS of attention and compliments!! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A new way to stay updated...

Hello Friends & Family -

This is an adventure in communication to allow us all to stay up to date on things, especially as Parker begins his chemo treatments @ the University of Iowa. I (Cara) am going to help take care of the postings for Sarah & Mat here, but I believe Sarah is also setting up a as well. Look for more information about that to follow. Anyway - since our family's are so inter-twined to begin can check out my family blog @ until I can get more pictures added here.

As for Parker - he was released from Genesis today! I know he, Sarah & Mat were all happy to be at home together again. He is still set to head to the University of Iowa for his first round of in-patient chemo on Thursday. Grammy T will be accompanying Sarah to provide support and help. As always - all continued prayers and good wishes are appreciated!